🚀 LVGL v8.4 and v9.1 are released!

Online Image Converter

Convert BMP, JPG, PNG, or SVG to C array to use them in LVGL.

The image converter for LVGL v8 is available at https://lvgl.io/tools/imageconverter.

For image comression, stride, binary output, and extra color formats check out the Python image converter.

How to use the image converter?

  1. Choose one or more images
  2. Give a name to the output file(s) (e.g. "wallpaper1").
  3. Specify the desired color format.
  4. Click the Convert button to download the resulting file(s).

How to use the generated file in LVGL

  1. Copy the resulting C file into your LVGL project
  2. In a C file of your application declare the image as: LV_IMG_DECLARE(my_image_name);
  3. Set the image as the source of an image object: lv_image_set_src(img, &my_image_name);
  4. Checkout the Docs for more details.

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